Today we are going to have a climate strike . We are going as a school 🏫 to proska park. We are going to walk around and listen 👂 to speeches and going to march around. Right now in ELA we just watched the Greta thumberg climate change speech. It was about how the grown ups are just sitting there saying that everything’s going to be fine . HOW there lies are also affecting us. How what there doing is affecting OUR future . That we’re going to have to deal with all of there problems that they created . How people are SUFFERING and there not doing anything to help. As Greta thumberg said “the adults aren’t being mature”. Us young people are the new generation. How the new generation is helping out more the adults. They should be the role models. Us . The new generation should be at school not protesting. We should be at home not worrying about how we might not even be here in 10 years.